Under the theme: ‘Solving Water Challenges’, Suqia was key sponsor at the first Global Children’s Designathon (GCD) event in Dubai in November 2017. This one-day event brought children together to design and develop solutions and innovative concepts around water issues.

This was the first GCD event in Dubai and took place on 11 November, 2017 at Rise Dubai Creek Harbour, with 30 students from 6 different schools (ages 7-12) who came together to build prototypes for water pollution and scarcity. The event was broadcast via a live connection with 600 children from 18 cities around the world. This gave the children an opportunity to see how reuse of materials, innovation and simple ideas can be part of the solution to the global water crisis.

Suqia, Expo Live, an initiative by Expo 2020 and Emaar Properties were sponsors of the GCD. Suqia was also a part of the ‘expert panel’ to choose inventions by the children and give feedback on the projects along with Expo 2020, Veragon, Dubai Future Foundation and Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).